
Showing posts from November, 2020
  Regional Land Use Plan Hearings Begin this Week Oct 17, 2011, 2:42 PM The Regional Planning Authority will begin hearing from Nunatsiavut beneficiaries on the draft Regional Land Use Plan this week. The plan will guide development and the use of land, water and resources within the Labrador Inuit Settlement Area. Public hearings will be carried out by the Regional Planning Authority in each of the Inuit communities as well as in Upper Lake Melville and St. John’s between now and November 2. Two hearings are scheduled to take place in Postville Monday. Concerned residents in that community can head to the Postville Community Centre Monday afternoon and evening to share their thoughts on the plan. Copies of the draft plan can be found at each of the local Nunatsiavut government offices.
  Some Store Shelves Looking Bare as Shipping Season Winds Down Oct 17, 2011, 2:40 PM The end of the marine shipping season is fast approaching and many of the shelves of the stores on the north coast more closely resemble the spring time than they do the fall. Stores from Nain to Rigolet are reporting a lack of products on their shelves. Travis Meisner is the Manager of the Northern Store in Rigolet. He says the store’s shelves are pretty bare. They’re expecting a big load of supplies during the next visit of the MV Dutch Runner. Kim Tucker is the Manager of Big Land Groceries in Nain. She says they haven’t received any of their winter supplies so far this fall. Supplies are expected during the next few visits of the MV Dutch Runner. The owner of Jacquie’s Convenience in Nain has received all of her winter supplies although she says this has been the worst shipping season since the store opened. Jacquie Dawe is the Manager. She says this season has been the worst she’s seen in the sto
  Future Paddon Home Discussed (Audio to be added later) Oct 14, 2011, 3:28 PM The future of the Paddon Home was up for discussion during a meeting in Happy Valley-Goose Bay Thursday evening. Denise Cole is the Housing Development Worker for the Labrador Friendship Centre. She says there are a number of people in the community who are concerned with what will happen with the former senior’s home. The current plan is to use the facility for office space. Cole says there is a lack of housing for seniors in the community already. Over forty people attended a meeting last night to discuss the future of the Paddon Home. Included in the attendees were the Mayor of Happy Valley-Goose Bay, Leo Abbass, the newly-elected MHA for Lake Melville, Keith Russell, and the CEO of Labrador-Grenfell Health, Boyd Rowe. A number of seniors from the community came out to share their concerns as well. Stay tuned to OK Radio to hear Cole discuss what was said during Thursday’s meeting.
  Problem Rectified on Assembly Building’s Dome Oct 14, 2011, 3:19 PM Construction on the dome of the Nunatsiavut government Assembly Building has resumed now the problem has been rectified. Brian Flowers is the Property Manager for the Nunatsiavut government. He says the metal roofing for the dome of the facility wasn’t fitting correctly. That problem has since been rectified. Flowers says they are now waiting for materials to arrive to finish the detailing on the roof. The materials are expected to arrive during the next visit of MV Dutch Runner. Flowers says crews are also repairing the facility’s deficiency items. He adds that he cannot provide a new completion date for the Assembly Building. The facility was expected to open last month.
  Flu Season is Coming Oct 14, 2011, 3:18 PM Fall is in full swing and that means flu season is approaching. Residents of the north coast will be able to receive their flu shots next month. Gail Turner is the Director of Health Services for the Nunatsiavut Government. She says November is flu shot month for the north coast communities. Flu shots will be administered during the second week of the month. The shots will be distributed by the local clinics in partnership with Nunatsiavut Public Health. Turner is recommending that everybody who is eligible for the shots get out and receive theirs.
  Voters from this District Came Out in Droves for Provincial Election Oct 13, 2011, 3:04 PM Over 70 percent of the eligible voters exercised their right to vote in the Torngat Mountains district in this election. 1, 516 people cast their vote through the advanced polls and on Election Day. That’s 71 percent of the eligible voters. Tuesday’s winner, newly-elected MHA Randy Edmunds, claimed 744 of those votes. The incumbent MHA, Patty Pottle, followed in second place with 586 votes, a 158 vote margin. The Progressive Conservative candidate had strong showings in both Natuashish and her home community of Hopedale where she managed to claim the most votes. Pottle had 71 votes compared to Edmunds’ 17 votes in Natuashsih. The newly-elected MHA received the least amount of votes in that community with 11 less than the New Democrat candidate, Alex Saunders. Saunders gathered 186 of the 1,516 votes cast in each of the communities on Tuesday’s election. Pottle also claimed the most votes in her
  Keith Russell’s Election Win Leaves a Vacant Seat in the Nunatsiavut Government Oct 13, 2011, 2:56 PM This week’s election of Keith Russell into the provincial House of Assembly has left a vacant seat in the Nunatsiavut Government. The newly-elected MHA was on leave from his position as Ordinary Member for the Nunatsiavut government while he ran in the provincial election. His win on Tuesday means that Russell will be leaving the position of Nunatsiavut government Ordinary Member for Upper Lake Melville. No date has been set yet for a by-election.
  Fuel Prices Increase as Price Freeze Approaches Oct 13, 2011, 2:55 PM Fuel prices increased across the province Thursday as this region begins to anticipate the winter price freeze. Gasoline increased by 4.5 cents per litre across Newfoundland and Labrador. The price of gasoline on the north coast is now nearly $1.61 per litre. The price of stove oil also saw an increase of nearly two cents per litre. Consumers in this region are now paying nearly $1.27 per litre of the fuel. The price of fuels on the north coast is frozen on the Thursday following the last shipment of fuels into each of the communities for the winter. That date has been in early-November over the past four years. The price freeze was put in place as early as November 4 last year. It went into effect as late as November 8 in 2007.
  Nunatsiavut Residential School Survivors Confirmed for National Event (Audio to be added later) Oct 13, 2011, 2:52 PM 19 residential school survivors from this region will gather with survivors from across the country at the National Truth and Reconciliation Commission’s Atlantic National Event later this month. Patricia Kemuksigak is the Nunatsiavut government Minister of Health and Social Development. She says the third national gathering of residential school survivors will begin in Halifax on October 26. Survivors from Nain, Hopedale, Rigolet, North West River and Happy Valley-Goose Bay will be among the attendees. Stay tuned to OK Radio to hear Minister Kemuksigak provide all the details from the upcoming gathering.
  Edmunds and Russell Elected to House of Assembly (Audio to be added later) Oct 12, 2011, 3:11 PM Two new Members of the House of Assembly were selected for the Torngat Mountains and Lake Melville districts through Tuesday’s election. Liberal Randy Edmunds will now represent the constituents in the Torngat Mountains district. Edmunds beat out the incumbent MHA, Patty Pottle, and the New Democrat candidate, Alex Saunders, with 744 votes. That’s nearly 50 percent of the votes cast. Pottle came in second with 586 votes, almost 39 percent, while Saunders gathered 186 votes or approximately 12 percent. Progressive Conservative Keith Russell claimed the most votes in the Lake Melville district with 1,741 ballots cast in his favour. Russell gathered nearly 50 percent of the votes cast in that district as well. He beat out New Democrat candidate, Arlene Michelin, who had 1,209 votes, nearly 35 percent. Liberal Chris Montague claimed 531 of the votes cast which is a little over 15 percent of t
  Premier Dunderdale Makes History Oct 12, 2011, 3:06 PM Tuesday’s majority win for the Progressive Conservatives was a big milestone for Premier Dunderdale. It marks the first time that a female leader has led a party to victory in this province. It is only the second time the feat was accomplished in Canada’s history. The Progressive Conservatives formed a majority government Tuesday evening winning 37 of the 48 seats in Newfoundland and Labrador.
  ‘Stay Sober Day’ in Nain Oct 12, 2011, 3:05 PM Today is being recognized as ‘Stay Sober Day’ in Nain. Elsie Diamond is the Addictions Worker with the Department of Health and Social Development. She says ‘Stay Sober Day’ is being held to coincide with Violence Awareness Month. A sober dance is being held this evening as part of the day. Diamond says they are holding the celebration to raise awareness on family violence. The dance will be held Wednesday evening at the Husky Centre. Entertainment will be provided by The Sundogs. Diamond says the dance is free and everyone is invited. She adds that it’s a good opportunity to socialize and have fun without alcohol.
  Voters Heading to the Polls for Election Day 2011 Oct 11, 2011, 2:55 PM Newfoundlanders and Labradorians are heading to the polls Tuesday to cast their vote in the 2011 provincial election. Polling stations have been setup throughout the province for people to cast their vote. Three candidates are hoping for your vote in the Torngat Mountains District. Progressive Conservative Patty Pottle, Liberal Randy Edmunds and New Democrat Alex Saunders are all hoping for your support. Voters in Rigolet, Makkovik and Nain can all cast their vote at their Community Halls. Postville residents can head to the Recreation Hall to cast their vote. Hopedale voters can do so at the Hopedale Inuit Community Government office. There are three candidates on the ballot in the Lake Melville district. Progressive Conservative Keith Russell, Liberal Chris Montague and New Democrat Arlene Michelin are all hoping for your vote. There are two polling stations in Happy Valley-Goose Bay. Voters in the community ca
  Uranium Consultations Set to Begin Later this Month Oct 11, 2011, 2:51 PM Consultations on the working, mining, milling and production of uranium on Labrador Inuit Lands will take place later this month. A public notice has been issued on the consultations. They will be carried out by a Special Committee of the Nunatsiavut Assembly. The committee is made up of the Ordinary Member for Makkovik, Denise Lane, Ordinary Member for Nain, William Barbour and the Deputy Minister of Lands and Natural Resources, Carl Mclean. The committee is chaired by the Minister of Lands and Natural Resources, Glenn Sheppard. Sikumiut Environmental Management has been hired to facilitate and assist with the consultations. A technical expert in the field of radioactivity will also be present during the consultations to discuss the uranium mining cycle. The first consultation will take place in Postville on October 24. The committee will visit each of the Inuit communities as well as Upper Lake Melville and S
  ITK President Talks Recent AGM (Audio to be added later) Oct 11, 2011, 2:49 PM There were a lot of topics covered during the recent Annual General Meeting of Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami. Mary Simon is the President of ITK. She says the AGM was held at the end of September in Inuvik, North West Territories. One of the items on the agenda was polar bears. The attendees discussed traditional knowledge and how it can be used in managing polar bear populations. Simon adds that ITK will be celebrating its 40th anniversary next month. Included in the celebrations is a conference titled ‘From Eskimo to Inuit in 40 Years’. Stay tuned to OK Radio to hear President Simon discuss the recent AGM and ITK’s upcoming milestone.
  Another Successful Year for Thanksgiving Day Sales Oct 11, 2011, 2:43 PM Each of the Moravian Churches on the north coast held their annual Thanksgiving Day sales over the holiday weekend. Judy Dicker is the Head Chapel Servant for the Moravian Church in Hopedale. She says they auctioned off a number of items including baked goods, wild meats and Kamutik runners. Nearly $1,750 was raised through the auction. John Andersen is a Chapel Servant for the Moravian Church in Makkovik. He says they sold baked goods and wild meats. A goose and a turkey were also sold through auction. Andersen says they raised nearly $500 through their efforts. The Moravian Church in Nain also did well with their bake sale. Dotty Ford is the Treasurer for the church. She says they raised over $750.
  Arlene Michelin NDP Candidate Shares her Campaign Platform (Audio to be added later) Oct 7, 2011, 2:39 PM Election Day is less than a week away. Newfoundlanders and Labradorians head to the polls on Tuesday. NDP candidate Arlene Michelin is hoping for your vote on October 11. Michelin is representing the New Democratic Party in the Lake Melville District. She has been hitting the campaign trail for the past couple of weeks. We contacted Michelin by phone this morning to discuss her campaign. Stay tuned to OK Radio to hear Arlene Michelin join us to try and gain your support.
  Another Drug Bust in Hopedale Oct 7, 2011, 2:38 PM Another drug bust was conducted in Hopedale. We spoke with Corporal Kenny, a RCMP member in Hopedale. He says the local RCMP did a complete search within the residence and seized an undisclosed amount of marijuana, cash and drug paraphernalia. A 25 year old male was arrested and released until a later date for a court hearing. Kenny says the search in the residence was finalized last evening at 8pm.
  Chris Montague Liberal Candidate Shares His Platform (Audio to be added later) Oct 7, 2011, 2:37 PM Liberal candidate Chris Montague is seeking your support on Election Day on October 11. Montague is representing the Liberal party in the Lake Melville District. He has been hitting the campaign trails over the past two weeks. We contacted Montague by phone this morning to discuss his campaign. Stay tuned to this Sundays program when Chris Montague joins us to try and gain your support.
  Special Thankgiving at Nain Church Oct 7, 2011, 2:36 PM The Moravian Church in Nain has a busy but very special weekend coming up. They will be having their Thanksgiving Sunday service with the tradition of people bringing food items and/or baked goods for Thanksgiving. The main event will be the Dedication and Blessing of the new organ which will be right after the Thanksgiving Sunday service. Sarah Jensen, the Co-chair of the Moravian Church in Newfoundland and Labrador will be there to speak on behalf of the Moravian Church. There will also be messages from Rev. Brigitte Schloss, The Nain Choir Master and Church Elders. Money for the new organ was donated by the International Grenfell Association through the Nain Heritage Committee. The cost was nearly 21 thousand dollars.
  TRHA Expects Early End to Construction Season Oct 7, 2011, 2:35 PM With the construction of new homes on the north coast going really well this season, Torngat Regional Housing Association is hopeful that homeowners will be in their new homes by the end of November. William Lucy is the coordinator. He says they are waiting for a few more materials such as cabinets for the new homes, shingles and sidings for the repair program. So if there are no delays this shipping season for the materials they are looking at people to move in their new home end of next month. Lucy says the 4 homes in Nain are all shelled, as well 2 in Hopedale and additional 3 that’s being built for people whose homes were in a contaminated area, and one each in Makkovik and Rigolet. He says the repair program finally started this past Monday in Postville. TRHA crew was able to start work with some materials arriving on the freight boat. Lucy says most of the walls in the interior have been put up and plastered and
  Orientation to Trades and Technology Survey Oct 7, 2011, 2:34 PM Women in Resource Development Corporation are trying to get in touch with the graduates of all the Orientation to Trades and Technology (OTT) programs. We spoke with Jan Burry who is the Community Development Coordinator with the Woman in Resource Development. She says this survey is for those who have completed the OTT program to inform the graduates association so that they can keep in touch or to discover ways to continue to support those in their career pursuits. Burry says they think that this can be helpful for those who have finished the course to assist in the creation of a program among themselves and the WRDC. This survey is to share positive and negative training and career experiences, as well as lessons learned. She says some questions on this survey are Where are they now? Are you interested in trades? Where are you now? The OTT program is held for 16 weeks in Happy Valley Goose Bay, St. John’s, Placentia
  Missing Natuashish Girl Found Oct 6, 2011, 3:30 PM Leanne Rich of Natuashish has been located a day after she was reported missing. Constable Williams of the Natuashish RCMP detachment was the lead investigator in the case. He says 13-year-old Rich was located safe and sound approximately 10 kilometers outside of the community. RCMP was directed to the location by a group of local searchers Wednesday evening. Rich had been canoeing when she began to drift out to sea. She spent six days alone in the area with no food. Rich is currently being treated at the Labrador Health Centre in Happy Valley-Goose Bay for non-life threatening injuries. The RCMP and Child and Youth Family Services are investigating the matter.
  Liberal Randy Edmunds Discusses His Campaign (Audio to be added later) Oct 6, 2011, 3:28 PM Election Day is just days away. Newfoundlanders and Labradorians head to the polls on Tuesday. One candidate hoping for your vote on October 11 is Liberal Randy Edmunds. Edmunds is representing the party in the Torngat Mountains district. He has been hitting the campaign trail by speedboat over the past couple of weeks. The Liberal candidate dropped by our studio Thursday morning to discuss his campaign. Stay tuned to OK Radio to hear Randy Edmunds try and gain your support.
  Numbers Way Up for Votes Cast in Advanced Polls Oct 6, 2011, 3:21 PM The number of Newfoundlanders and Labradorians who took part in this election’s advanced polls has more than doubled from the last provincial election. Over 15,000 people in this province cast their vote in the advance polls on Tuesday. That’s more than double the approximately 7,500 votes that were cast during advanced polls in the 2007 provincial election. 29 eligible voters took advantage of the advance polls in the Torngat Mountains district. The remainder of the votes will be cast on Election Day, October 11.
  Deadline to Apply for National Atlantic Truth and Reconciliation Event This Week Oct 6, 2011, 3:21 PM The deadline to apply to participate in the Truth and Reconciliation Commission’s Atlantic National Event is Friday. The event will give residential school survivors from across the country the opportunity to share their stories. The Nunatsiavut government has acquired funding to send a number of survivors from this region to the Atlantic National Event in Halifax. Patricia Kemuksigak is the Nunatsiavut government Minister of Health and Social Development. She says they have acquired funding to send a number of this region’s survivors to the event in late-October. Applications are available in each of the local Department of Health and Social Development offices. The deadline to apply is Friday.
  RCMP Searching for Missing Natuashish Girl Oct 5, 2011, 2:58 PM RCMP is asking for the public’s assistance in locating a missing Natuashish girl. Constable MacDougall is with the Natuashish RCMP detachment. He says 13-year-old Leanne Rich was last seen in the community a week ago. She was reported missing Tuesday. Rich is currently classified as a runaway. She was last sighted at the arena in Sheshatshiu on Tuesday. The sighting has not been confirmed by RCMP. Leanne Rich has relatives in Hopedale, Nain and Sheshatshiu. MacDougall says anybody with any information on Rich’s whereabouts is asked to contact their local RCMP detachment.
  Research Sheds Light on Substance Abuse Among Nain and Postville Students (Audio to be added later) Oct 5, 2011, 2:52 PM Some new research has shed some light on substance abuse among school students in Nain and Postville. Natasha Brunelle is a Researcher with the University of Quebec. She says they interviewed 107 students in Nain and Postville in 2009. The subjects ranged in age from 11-20-years-old. A questionnaire asked students about their alcohol and drug use habits. The results include the findings that 43.9 percent of the youth interviewed had abstained from any use of substances over 12 months prior. 3.7 percent of the youth interviewed had claimed to have used drugs in that time period. 27.1 percent claimed to have used alcohol. 25.2 percent had claimed to use both drugs and alcohol in the 12 months prior to the questionnaire. The results also showed that the average age for first-time alcohol use was 13.3-years-old. The average age for when the students first used drugs wa
  First Votes Being Cast in 2011 Provincial Election Oct 4, 2011, 3:10 PM The first votes are being cast in the 2011 provincial election Tuesday. Advanced polling stations are set up throughout the province for those who aren’t able to cast their vote on October 11. The candidates in the Torngat Mountains district are Progressive Conservative Patty Pottle, Liberal Randy Edmunds and New Democrat Alex Saunders. Residents of Makkovik who would like to take advantage of the advanced polling stations can do so at the Community Hall. Postville’s advanced voters can head to the Community Rec Centre. There are no advanced polling stations in the other Nunatsiavut Communities. The three candidates in the Lake Melville district are Progressive Conservative Keith Russell, Liberal Chris Montague and New Democrat Arlene Michelin. Those who would like to take advantage of the advanced polls in that district can head to the Labrador Friendship Centre.
  Organizers Begin Preparations for Cain’s Quest 2012 Oct 4, 2011, 3:08 PM Organizers of Cain’s Quest 2012 have begun preparations for this year’s race. Todd Kent is the Co-Chair of Cain’s Quest. He says this year’s event is scheduled to begin on March 17. The organizers are hoping that the route of the race will bring the competitors up the Labrador coast. The route was revised last year because of poor snow and ice conditions. Kent says they’re hoping the weather will cooperate for this year’s race. The route will bring the competitors from Labrador City, east to Happy Valley-Goose Bay, up the north coast to Nain, northwest to Kuujjuaq and back to Labrador City. The proposed route is approximately 2,700 kilometres. Kent says they’re planning to consult with seasoned travelers in the north coast communities to assist in developing the route for the race. He urges anybody willing to assist with developing the route to contact one of the Cain’s Quest organizers. Registration for this ye
  Makkovik’s New Youth Centre Under Construction Oct 4, 2011, 3:07 PM Construction of the new youth centre in Makkovik is coming along. Herb Jacque is the AngajukKâk for Makkovik Inuit Community Government. He says crews began construction on the new centre two weeks ago. The MICG is still waiting on some of the materials to arrive for the facility. The $200,000 centre will be constructed on the lot that used to house the old fire hall. The community was also set to receive a new fire hall this year. Jacque says that construction will not be going ahead this season as planned. Problems with the materials needed for the fire hall have delayed the construction until next year.