Moose Licenses Drawn
Beneficiaries of the Labrador Inuit Land Claims Agreement in the five Nunatsiavut communities and the Upper Lake Melville Region have been given Moose Licenses.
James Goudie is the Wildlife Manager for Nunatsiavut.
He says there were quite a few beneficiaries interested in moose licenses and they received a considerable number of applications.
The deadline for applications was Thursday, October 27th and Goudie says the draw went smoothly.
Five licenses each were available for beneficiaries in Nain, Hopedale, Postville, Makkovik, and Rigolet. Upper Lake Melville beneficiaries had three licenses.
Beneficiaries in Hopedale, Postville and Rigolet were given one extra license making that six.
All license holders have until March 31st, 2012 to get their moose.
Goudie adds the moose hunting season opened on September 1st, 2011 but they were late getting the licenses.
We hope to speak with Goudie at a later date to get a better idea of the process of getting moose licenses and how it came about for Nunatsiavut beneficiaries.
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