Marine Sampling for PCBs in Hopedale

The marine sampling of PCB’s in the harbor of Hopedale is complete.

But there is still more work on the go by doing video graphing in the harbor.

Wayne Piercy is the AngajukKak of the Inuit Community Government.

He says Stantec and another company RJG collected samples from shellfish, rockcod, sculpins and cod, and some fuel impacted soil.

Piercy says the collected samples are gathered in a sealed place in a bile pile or landfill down at the dumpsite.

He says they are waiting to hear what happens next with the collected samples, and or how and when they will be shipped out.

Piercy says the company did not get any samples of caplin and herring, but they are looking at next year to get samples of those small fish.

The marine sampling of PCB contaminants project was started over a month ago in the harbor in Hopedale.

We will have more information about the PCB cleanup on Friday.


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